The Box Pouch stands out for its flat bottom and accordion sides that keep the packaging upright. This model has 5 printing areas (front, back, bottom and sides), which provides a different visual presentation. For this reason, it has been widely used in premium lines, offering a more sophisticated and modern appearance to the product.
Made from high-quality raw materials, it is resistant and preserves the original characteristics of the product, such as its crispness, softness, odor and texture. In addition to the customization of the printing area, accessories are also available, such as: internal or front zipper, Velcro®, side handles, degassing valve, perforation on both sides and laser-cut tear guide, which maintain the quality of the product, in addition to facilitating the consumer experience.
If your project is a low-run project, can be customized with stickers, paper or screen printing and/or requires fast delivery, count on the Soulpratica line.